What do you Suggest as the most suitable substrate for my kingsnake? Currently have medium sized bark but he can't burrow in it. Should I change it? He seems quite happy on it though!
I don't have the most experience in keeping these guys (so someone else may have more in-depth experience) but from what i've read and stuff if you would like your kingsnake to burrow then aspen is easy to burrow in and you can also get fine beech chips which they can burrow in. I think alot of people will have opinions on what is 'best' to keep them on, but i think you should just find something that works for you and your snake If you're not bothered about burrowing then you can stick with what you have or you can also use newspaper.
Personally, i like beech chips or aspen, aspen is easy to clean but beech chips do look nicer.
Make sure you stay away from cedar or redwood shavings though as these can be toxic.
i think there's also info on substrates on the caresheets. Hope that helps!
0.0.1 Blaze Phase Goins Kingsnake (Gizmo - has been christened a 'he' for now)
Agrree with Amy. Aspen or beech chips but whatever you and your snake seems happy with. I have beech chips on the floor with aspen in a litter tray for a bit of variety. Most of the time my MBK is stretched out on the floor and the Florida is coiled up in a carpet tube.
0.0.1 MBK : Fester 0.0.1 Florida King : Rattler (Rattle & Hum) 0.0.1 Californian King : Diablo Diego 1.0.0 Coastal Carpet Python : Vambo 0.0.1 Grey Rat Snake : Mirkey 0.0.3 Corn Snakes : Taggart, Woody & Blaze 0.2.0 Tarantulas : New River Red Rump. Red Chile Rose
I use newspaper, purely for hygiene purposes. The snakes are fully cleaned out whenever they do the toilet. Even though each snake has multiple hides and plants alot of them seem to prefer hiding under the newspaper.
1.0 Milksnake 3.3 Kingsnakes 1.1 Royal Python 1.2 Cornsnakes
I have horse labelled aspen which is Auboise which is cheap and lets them burrow though is a pain to do viv cleans with as it gets everywhere but if you only have the one or two snake its nothing a quick hoover won't solve.