I always take out and thaw naturally in a tub. Pinkies should only take an hour or so, bigger mice I leave overnight. I've never used hot water for fear of poaching the meat.
0.0.1 MBK : Fester 0.0.1 Florida King : Rattler (Rattle & Hum) 0.0.1 Californian King : Diablo Diego 1.0.0 Coastal Carpet Python : Vambo 0.0.1 Grey Rat Snake : Mirkey 0.0.3 Corn Snakes : Taggart, Woody & Blaze 0.2.0 Tarantulas : New River Red Rump. Red Chile Rose
I defrost smaller mices naturally. I always defrost at room temp if I can, specially with smaller mice. Thawing over night is ott unless feeding in morning, pinkies will just dry out over night lol
I always let them thaw at room temps then just before feeding I warm the food item up in warm water. I've never had a snake refuse feed this way (touch wood).
Who keeps moving the light at the end of the tunnel