Don't know about the milks but the Arizona mountain king has much narrower banding
1.1.0 Arizona mountain king (Sylar and Claire) 0.1.0 Blotched king ( Jasmin) 1.1.0 Guyana red-tail boa (Hercules and Athena) 1.0.1 children (Alfie and BUMP)
It's difficult to spot the difference between them all. However, The main rule is the amount of red bands. Aswell as difference length and stockyness.
Sinaloan Milksnake
The Sinaloans on average have 10-16 Red Bands, Usually 13-16. The Sinaloans is a slim milksnake and usually don't get much larger then 4ft. The Sinaloans are well known for there bright red bands and do not develop black tippings of the scales.
Pueblan Milksnake
The Pueblans on average have 13-17 Red Bands, Usually 15-16. Unlike the Sinaloans, They are alot smaller in length (3-3.5ft) and much stockier. The shape of the head in comparasent to a Sinaloan is much blunter and rounder.
Arizona Mountain Kingsnake
The Mountain Kingsnakes have excessive amount of bands compared to most Milksnakes. Arizonia's have 40-46 on average. However some specimens will be darker and carry more bands on the tail. Most Mountain Kingsnakes do not loose there coloration and patterning, the colors do not fade like that of most Milksnakes. They usually reach 3.5-4ft in length.
1.1.0 Arizona mountain king (Sylar and Claire) 0.1.0 Blotched king ( Jasmin) 1.1.0 Guyana red-tail boa (Hercules and Athena) 1.0.1 children (Alfie and BUMP)