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T O P I C    R E V I E W
theonlydarrenever Posted - 08/08/2009 : 10:33:55
she left me a huge present in her faun this morning that i had to clean out so i thought i'd get some pics of her at the same time. she's currently going throught the shed process. she's been 'blue' now i'm just waiting for her to shed.

hope you all like her still
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
theonlydarrenever Posted - 08/08/2009 : 21:02:55
thanks!! she's awesome! really good feeder too :)

yeah jon, ii think i wait around 5-7 days normally. feels much longer!
LiamKecMaia Posted - 08/08/2009 : 18:36:21
Brilliant snake you have there. =)
jono2411 Posted - 08/08/2009 : 15:43:26
poirot just shed yesterday and now The Baron is blue... it seems like im forever waiting for skins to clean out!
Kazerella Posted - 08/08/2009 : 15:19:49
She's really nice
lee2308 Posted - 08/08/2009 : 14:26:36
still loks good even though shes blue
matthompson Posted - 08/08/2009 : 12:17:38
Such a perfect name for her, fab snake! I'm in exactly the same 'waiting' position with my variable king. I keep expecting to see this skin every morning....but he's keeping me in suspense!

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