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 Maia struttin' her stuff... on my hand. :D

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LiamKecMaia Posted - 05/08/2009 : 20:35:39
Here to show you some pics of my snakey. All of these are old pics from when I first got her for my birthday in March. Camera broke in April and cba to get a new one since I have been saving up for some fire/tiger salamder/s.


Her exploring my hand.

In the transportation box.

Her set up from march 09 - winter hols. She fits in this fine for now. I'm going to make her a viv from some wood and glass and sliders and all that stuff. Pretty snazzy. Don't want to make it right now, because she'll probably escape if I put her in.

Maia feeding for the first ever time. She gulped the fuzzy down really easily. Btw, she's not directly on the table. She's in a clear box on top of the table. I have never fed her when she's in her viv.

That's it for now. Thanks for looking.

Note: By the way, if you think the pics are too big, members of staff, feel free to edit them into links or ask me to do so myself. Thanks. :)
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LiamKecMaia Posted - 06/08/2009 : 21:32:20
Thanks. :)

Will post more pics when I get a new camera.
Kazerella Posted - 06/08/2009 : 19:06:44
That's a nice looking Cali
LiamKecMaia Posted - 06/08/2009 : 14:21:59
Yes, she has grown a fair bit.

I got her at 14", and now she's around 21"-23" (I think)

She is bigger, and it's a noticable change. =)
lee2308 Posted - 06/08/2009 : 14:18:18
great looker,has she grown much since those pics?
LiamKecMaia Posted - 06/08/2009 : 14:04:21
Thanks! I got her name from a goddess of spring, seeing as I got her in spring. P:

Lol thanks again.

Also I got her at Camden King aquatics if that's relivant.
Beowulf1976 Posted - 06/08/2009 : 12:18:03
beautiful snake and a name that suits her too :) She looks nice and healthy and happy ;)
jono2411 Posted - 06/08/2009 : 12:13:02
she looks awesome mate... really nice markings! I also love how much kings love eating... not like corns
LiamKecMaia Posted - 06/08/2009 : 11:16:55
Thanks. I think Maia will appreciate the compliments.

Can't tell her right now... she won't appreciate being woken up. lol.
Kehhlyr Posted - 06/08/2009 : 01:41:50
Nice pics.
Crackin' snake as well.
magneticblue Posted - 05/08/2009 : 22:17:08
Pictures are fine that size, to be honest we like to see good sized pics

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