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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jono2411 Posted - 08/07/2009 : 21:01:39
The new arrival is finally here and she is a splotched sinaloan milk snake... 07

I have named her Arminia...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kazerella Posted - 16/08/2009 : 13:42:19
bet he's proud of his new camera too
jono2411 Posted - 14/08/2009 : 01:19:12
I am very rpuod of her... certainly a beautiful snake!
Beowulf1976 Posted - 12/08/2009 : 21:37:57
Whow, she is really pretty :) you should be proud of her :D
jono2411 Posted - 12/08/2009 : 17:51:06
A couple more pics of Arminia with her beautifully shiny skin (she shed a few days before...

You can just see the tip of the tongue in the last pic...
bluerain Posted - 22/07/2009 : 14:48:36
I really love these guys, nice addition to any collection!!
Triangulum Posted - 21/07/2009 : 18:11:19
The majority of my snakes all burrow, Unless I have cork bark in with them. Thats what I like about Aspen, it has a multipurpose.

magneticblue Posted - 21/07/2009 : 15:49:11
Originally posted by jono2411

how much was the one in your rep shop?

Went back over the weekend and had another look. The one in the rep shop is £130
Beowulf1976 Posted - 21/07/2009 : 11:39:28
gorgeous snake :) I love the look of the blotched ones :)
bluerain Posted - 21/07/2009 : 11:17:31
Great snake...Love her!! Im getting a striped Sinny of Neil soon, his snakes are just to die for!!
Kazerella Posted - 16/07/2009 : 14:40:53
See that's another thing he's doesn't do- hide! He only goes in his hides just before he sheds.
jono2411 Posted - 16/07/2009 : 13:56:10
really? The Baron does loads of burrowing, you can see his little tunnels all over the place... although most of the time i see him he has his head poking out of his hide with an expression that says 'just you wait until im big enough....'
Kazerella Posted - 16/07/2009 : 11:21:52
Nagini doesn't burrow- he's a stay above ground and wait to pounce kind of lad
lee2308 Posted - 15/07/2009 : 20:48:19
i was think of using it for my royal as he dont burrow
jono2411 Posted - 15/07/2009 : 19:33:27
i used to use it but it doesn't let them burrow so i thought id switch to aspen... they do love the burrowing!
Kazerella Posted - 15/07/2009 : 14:34:36
Does anyone use it in the viv? Often wondered whether Nagini might like it.

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