T O P I C R E V I E W |
lee2308 |
Posted - 30/01/2009 : 19:40:43 Weve been getting along so well latley,no musking,hissing or striking,just got to get the shed off around his neck,well thats if snakes have necks

15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
lee2308 |
Posted - 08/03/2009 : 00:08:27 As mb said,im only weary becuase he's not been with me long and had a bit of an attitude problem when i got him due to not being handled before. |
GirlHarry |
Posted - 07/03/2009 : 21:57:46 okay :) thanks! |
magneticblue |
Posted - 07/03/2009 : 21:57:20 quote: Originally posted by GirlHarry
quote: Originally posted by lee2308
It's great to get him out now until he takes a interest in in my face 
my milk tends to have a nose at my face now and again when i hold her, and i like to think she's giving me kisses i assume no? does this mean they're about to strike??
She is not likely to be getting ready to strike. Its more likely that she is making sure that you are no danger to her. |
GirlHarry |
Posted - 07/03/2009 : 20:26:21 quote: Originally posted by lee2308
It's great to get him out now until he takes a interest in in my face 
my milk tends to have a nose at my face now and again when i hold her, and i like to think she's giving me kisses i assume no? does this mean they're about to strike??
lewy |
Posted - 20/02/2009 : 09:12:29 I wouldn't use moisturiser or anything like that really - you can buy shed aid stuff If I remember right - It does the same kind of thing really and helps for a shiny coat Nagini gets rough skin also (on top of the head and erm snake neck) sometimes as she rubs to try and get out... it's a known king trait so all you can do is give them less to rub on and try and handle them more to stop boredom. If a snakes done that in the past they're a little more prone to bad sheds around the areas rubbed.
If you can't get your hands on the Shed aid stuff a lukewarm bath and a rub down with a towel won't do any harm. |
lee2308 |
Posted - 19/02/2009 : 22:05:21 Even though he had a erfect shed he still has the flakey/dry skin around his neck,any idea's?would it hurt to put some moisteriser on? |
PunkAsF82 |
Posted - 05/02/2009 : 22:08:09 beautiful snake mate. I love mexi blacks. they're so shiney :D |
lewy |
Posted - 03/02/2009 : 16:24:37 Great Mexi! and Great photos! In the top one his tongue looks massive  |
matty18714 |
Posted - 02/02/2009 : 21:18:16 Great looking king Lee |
lee2308 |
Posted - 02/02/2009 : 13:21:28 thanks everyone
wolfspirit |
Posted - 02/02/2009 : 08:35:50 That is one stunning snake Lee... |
lee2308 |
Posted - 01/02/2009 : 14:41:17 It's great to get him out now until he takes a interest in in my face  |
magneticblue |
Posted - 31/01/2009 : 15:46:18 Good to see you're getting on well now |
Carl |
Posted - 31/01/2009 : 10:50:03 Nice one m8, now your holding him like I was holding Snoop, a little patience goes a long way m8 |
Gingerpony |
Posted - 30/01/2009 : 20:32:04 they do have necks, for microchipping snakes covered by CITES the instructions are to insert the microchip into the left hand side nape of neck *nods*
neck? yes that's the thinner bit behind the head. nape of neck? that's pushing it a bit!!!
glad to hear he's chilling out  |